The Scribes and Pharisees had a life mission of reaching their people with the love and Holiness of God. Yet because their hearts were cold and dead, they spent their days praising and pleasing themselves. Their heart was contrary to their mission. When Jesus came along with a pure heart, but the same mission, people responded in huge crowds! Instead of repenting, the Scribes and Pharisees grew envious. Instead of rejoicing, they grumbled. And that envy exposed their true heart. It wasn’t about the people at all to them, it was all about themselves.
Today we read these stories and easily see the error of their ways. But do we see our own?
How is this different from church leaders who seek to build their Church as a business? Who read books about increasing church attendance. Who offer fun, exciting lures to attract people. Who fret over the bank account more than the lost. Where is your heart?
Our bookshelf should be about how to reach the lost, how to achieve Holiness, how to please God in daily life, how to die to self, how to walk in faith. Our calendar should be full of moments of prayer set aside, regular private Bible reading, visiting people who are hurting. Our bank account should have more deductions than deposits, giving to those in need instead of buying for ourselves. Our life should be one of sacrifice, not pleasure. Visiting not vacation, caring not wanting.
It is the heart to matters. Where is our heart?
And it’s not just church leaders… No no. Everyday people have the same call! Last time you received a raise or bonus, what was your first thought? Was it about what you can spend it on for yourself? Or was it about who you could now give to, who you could now help? When you last had a day off, did you rejoice because you get to relax and play, or because you finally can spend an entire day in prayer?
You see, we humans are hopeless on our own. We are the same as the Scribes and Pharisees. Our own thoughts are continually on our own life and pleasure, not furthering God’s kingdom! We are envious of others gaining riches, glory, bonus, ease, because WE want that stuff for ourselves! No matter how holy we portray to those around us, we are imperfect. Down inside, out thoughts and emotions betray who we want to be.
The answer? Jesus. Let His purity of heart expose our own darkness. Stop trying to be Holy and instead seek His Holiness. We can never change our own heart. But through honestly realizing our own depravity, and repenting… Honestly admitting to God that we are evil inside and seeking His help… Only then can our hearts be changed.
The world takes an opposite approach. The world says “you’re not so bad, look on the bright side, see all the good you do and be happy”. That is not God’s way. He says to see the evil inside of ourselves. Feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Let His light expose our own darkness. Then give it all to God for redemption. Don’t ignore, don’t downplay, but redeem and change!
Become holy by repenting of trying to become holy! Just relax and admit the truth, and let Jesus do what we can not. Flock to Him with the sin inside and repent as a broken son or daughter at His feet. Let Jesus purify our heart.